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AWC News

REPAIRED - 10/06/2021 - EMERGENCY WATER OUTAGE 10/05/2021 - 34000 Hwy 550 N area

10/06/2021 - 11:30am - emergency break has been repaired and water service restored - if you happen to notice discoloration in your water or air bubbles, run cold water through your faucets until normal color has resumed.

10/05/2021 at 5:45pm – This evening around 5:30pm our water operators were made aware of a water outage in the 34000 Hwy 550 area. The leak in the water main was found, and an excavator has been lined up to arrive first thing in the morning to begin repairs. Unfortunately, there are a handful of properties along the east side of Hwy 550, between 34606 Hwy 550 up to 35130 Hwy 550, and White Water Drive will unfortunately be out of water throughout the evening and late morning until we are able to complete the repairs. Water is flowing in the lines for the rest of the properties in the area, but the pressure will be low. Please try to conserve water so everyone in this area has water for basic necessities. As this situation progresses, I will be updating the website as more information comes in. Thank you all for your patience and understanding as our operators work diligently to fix this water main break.

Animas Water Company